Antonio Della Marina About Projects Soundworks Media Just intonation Agenda

Agenda 2025

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 05
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 6.30pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 06
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 07
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Andrea Bertolozzi – drum machine
Claudio Giusto – percussions
Antonio Della Marina – alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi – video projections
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 08
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 09
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Andrea Bertolozzi – drum machine
Claudio Giusto – percussions
Antonio Della Marina – alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi – video projections
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Artistic residence at Die Datscha
With Richard Spaeth (DE), Wolfram Oettl (DE) and more.
Gültlingen, Germany.


LIVE sound and light environment - season IX 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 6.30pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season IX 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Sound composition for A project by Associazione Alrememorie
Creative direction by Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli
Spazioersetti (1-4 marzo)  Spazio DoubleRoom (7-9 marzo)

LIVE sound and light environment - season IX 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Interactive sound and video installation
Vernissage: March 21st at 5pm
Centro Culturale Ottagono, Codroipo

LIVE sound and light environment - season IX 06
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season IX 07
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Sound and light sculpture
With Alessandra Zucchi
collective art exhibition
Udine, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Casa Cavazzini

open concert for tuned byke bells
Ciclovia Alpe Adria

Andrea Bertolozzi – drum machine
Claudio Giusto – percussions
Antonio Della Marina – alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi – video projections
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Antonio Della Marina – alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi – video projections
+ open set with
Michael J. Schumacher - electronics
Michael Delia - percussions
David First - guitar
Sunview Luncheonette, 221 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, NYC.

Live sound design for Performance by Titta C. Raccagni and Barbara Stimoli
with Camilla Isola
Festival Le Alleanze dei Corpi
Archive, Via Arquà 15, Milano.

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

5' video as a contribution by Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi for
Phill Niblock Forever : A Marathon Memorial Celebration in Music, Images, Words, Movements...
Roulette NYC

sound and light installation
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Via Piave 15
Festival del Recupero Urbano, Codroipo (UD) from 6 to 8pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Artistic residence at Die Datscha
With Richard Spaeth (DE) and Wolfram Oettl (DE). Gültlingen, Germany.

Presentation of the new CD for I Dischi di angelica
Angelica - Centro di Ricerca Musicale / Teatro San Leonardo
Via S. Vitale 63, Bologna.

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Artistic residence at DiDstudio_NAO24
With Camilla Isola and Alessandra Zucchi
DiD Studio, Milano

at NAO Performing festival
With Camilla Isola
Spazio Ariella Vidach AiEP, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano

LIVE sound and light environment - season X 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

concert for alto saxophone and multimedia museum SMO
Slovensko Multimedialno Okno (SMO)
S. Pietro al Natisone (UD), at 8pm

Andrea Bertolozzi – drum machine
Claudio Giusto – percussions
Antonio Della Marina – alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi – video projections
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Unless You see #3
Sound and light sculpture
in collaboration with Alessandra Zucchi
celebration for the centenary of the University of Trieste
Collective exhibition #SBLAD – Shine Bright Like A Diamond
Main hall of the University of Trieste
curated by Eva Comuzzi and Lorenzo Michelli


Sound and light environment
With Alessandra Zucchi
collective art exhibition
Udine, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Casa Cavazzini

LIVE sound and light environment - season VIII 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season VIII 05
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 6pm

Presentation of a collective artist's multiple folder
artworks by Michele Bazzana, Aldo Ghirardello
Loretta Cappanera, Manuela Sedmach, Massimo Poldelmengo
Giulia Iacolutti, Manuela Toselli, Michele Spanghero
Antonio Della Marina e Alessandra Zucchi.
libreria Martincigh, Udine, at 6pm

Sound composition for with Fabio Zamparo
A project by Puntozero Società Cooperativa
Creative direction by Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli
a Trieste (Spazio DoubleRoom), Lignano Sabbiadoro (biblioteca comunale), Nova Gorica (Xcenter) e Udine (Spazioersetti)

LIVE sound and light environment - season VIII 06
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

24 hours relay of music for the World TB day.
Streaming concert with participants from all around the globe.
Online at from 0 to 24 CET

Artistic residency
with Alessandra Zucchi and Camilla Isola
Dialoghi | Residenze delle arti performative a Villa Manin
curated by CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli VG

LIVE sound and light environment - season VIII 07
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7.30pm

LIVE sound and light environment - season VIII 08
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 9pm

Live sound design for Performance by Titta C. Raccagni and Barbara Stimoli
with Camilla Isola
Cross Festival 2023, Nebbiuno (NO)

sound installation
INNIÒ Festival, Torre Moscarda, Paluzza (UD)

Sound design for by Ksenija Martinovic and Federico Bellini
Mittelfest, Teatro A. Ristori, Cividale del Friuli

LIVE sound and light environment
with Alessandra Zucchi
Neue musik in St.Ruprecht, Wien, at 8pm

Artistic residency at Università degli Studi di Trieste
with Alessandra Zucchi
in collaboration with the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Department

Unless You see #3
a new piece made in collaboration with Alessandra Zucchi during the #SBLAD residency
curated by Eva Comuzzi and Lorenzo Michelli
for the celebration of the University's centenary.
Vernissage on December 14th,

Sound design for by Ksenija Martinovic and Federico Bellini
Teatro dei Fabbri, Trieste

Sound installation
From 10am to 8pm
Studio Tommaseo, Via del Monte 2, Trieste
curated by Giuliana Carbi

Sound design for by Ksenija Martinovic and Federico Bellini
Teatro San Giorgio, Udine

LIVE sound and light environment - season IX 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
Spazioersetti, at 7.30pm

Andrea Bertolozzi – drum machine
Claudio Giusto – percussions
Antonio Della Marina – alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi – video projections
Spazioersetti, at 7.30pm


24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day.
Streaming concert with participants from all around the globe.
Online at from 0 to 24 CET

Seminary in the series "Orfeo e Psiche"
Curated by Marco Maria Tosolini
Aula Magna, Conservatory G. Tartini in Trieste

Sound installation for Satierose
With Alessandra Zucchi
Foyer of the Teatro Miela, Trieste
Satierose 2022

Artist residence at Die Datscha
With Richard Spaeth (DE), Werner Durand (DE) and Wolfram Oettl (DE). Gültlingen, Germany.

Sound and light environment
With Alessandra Zucchi
collective art exhibition
Udine, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Casa Cavazzini

Live performance
Cosimo Miorelli: live painting
Antonio Della Marina: sound
Grotta di San Giovanni d'Antro, Pulfero (UD)

Composizione per la panchina del suono Ljudbänken
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

The TMO plays Terry Riley's IN C
In T(opolò) for the last stazione
XXIX Stazione Topolò / Postaja Topolove

The TMO plays Terry Riley's IN C
Art Park, Villa di Verzegnis (UD)
Vicino Lontano Mont + Festival Carniarmonie 2022

season VIII - 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

Live sound design for Performance by Titta C. Raccagni and Barbara Stimoli
with Camilla Isola
Danae Festival, Milano

Sound artwork for empty spaces
exhibition and official release
libreria Martincigh, Udine, at 6pm

season VIII - 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment
Spazioersetti, at 7pm

season VIII - 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment
Spazioersetti, at 6pm


24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day.
Live streaming concert
with participants from 44 countries around the globe.
Online at from 0 to 24 CET

The Dream
Live sound and light performance
Antonio Della Marina: sinewaves, alto sax
Alessandra Zucchi: visuals
Stazione di Topolò/Postaja topolove
at night, at the cinema.

Scrivere coi piedi
Paolo Rumiz: story-telling
Cosimo Miorelli: live painting
Antonio Della Marina: soundscapes
Stazione di Topolò/Postaja topolove

Underwater sound installation
a setting dedicated to the myth of the mermaids and enriched with poetic quotes inspired by water.
In collaboration with Alessandra Zucchi
Udine, Palamostre municipal swimming pool
Il Suono in Mostra - rassegna internazionale di arte sonora

Sound and light environment
Dedicated to the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri and the ancient philosophical concept of the harmony of the spheres
With Alessandra Zucchi
Udine, tower bell of the cathedral
Il Suono in Mostra - rassegna internazionale di arte sonora

Artis in residence at Dialoghi / Residenze delle arti performative a Villa Manin with Barbara Stimoli, Titta C. and Camilla isola for the project Pleasure Rocks.

Sound installation for the cretures of the forest
with portable speakers and electronic crickets
Forest of Topolò
Živa pot project - Topolò, Grimacco (UD)

Me and Alessandra Zucchi are honored to be invited to celebrate
Phill Niblock's 88 birthday with a new piece composed for the incredible 22h streaming event, along with many other exceptional musicians and artists from all over the world.
Our set is on December 5th at 12.30 am EST / 18.30 h in Italy.
The complete schedule and live stream is here.
After December 5th the archives of the recordings of all 22 hours
will be accessible through Experimental Intermedia website.


concert series V - 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

concert series V - 05
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

THE DREAM - speciale UDW 2020
Sound and light environment
for Udine Design Week 2020
with Alessandra Zucchi

24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day.
Live streaming concert with participants from 46 countries around the globe.
Online at from 0 to 24 CET

Online Event: audio-visual live improvisation network event featuring 70 live visual and live audio artists from around the world from 15 - 23H EDT. Organized by Sarah Weaver, Ursula Scherrer and Katherine Liberovskaya.
I will be performing at 10-11pm CET (4-5pm EDT) along with musicians Ximena Alarcon, Bradford Reed, Simon Grab and video artists Rosa Sanchez and Alain Baumann, Alexandra Dementieva, Lea Fröhlicher, Michael Egger and Alessandra Zucchi [read more...]

Invisible Cities / Contaminazioni Digitali festival

Artist residence at "Die Datscha", a concert environment in the Black Forest, built especially as a meeting point for musicians and composers working in the field of just intonation. With Richard Spaeth (DE), Werner Durand (DE), Uli Hohmann (DE), Wolfram Oettl (DE) and Andreas Rüsing (DE). Gültlingen, Germany.

Costellazioni sonore sulle serie armoniche di 3 5 7 11 13
Talk and project presentation at
Stazione di Topolò - Postaja Topolove festival

Sound and light environment with Alessabdra Zucchi at Spazioersetti gallery, for Il Suono in Mostra - V rassegna internazionale di arte sonora.


A Place to Play
concert series IV - 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

concert series IV - 05
A Place to Play
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

MARCH 6 - 9
MOBILE 1:3:7
Sound sculpture in light environment
with Alessandra Zucchi
Galleria Spazioersetti

A Place to Play
concert series IV - 06
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day. Live streaming concert with participants from 43 countries around the globe. 0-24 CET at

A Place to Play
concert series IV - 07
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

MAY 11
A Place to Play
concert series IV - 08
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

MAY 18
Antonio Della Marina - alto sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi - video projections
I Colori del Suono, Istituto Vivaldi, Monfalcone

JUNE 1 - 9
Sound and light installation
with Alessandra Zucchi
for Il Suono in Mostra - rassegna internazionale di arte sonora

JUNE 1 - 9
Diu sonet vox tua
(Fades per la campana di mezzogiorno di Santa Maria di Castello)
Sound installation
for Il Suono in Mostra - rassegna internazionale di arte sonora

Trovare Una Dimora Tra L'errare Per Cieli E Il Sedersi
Live solo performance
curated by Tommaso Cosco

JULY 18 - 21
Diu sonet vox tua
(Fades - per la campana di mezzogiorno di Topolò
Sound installation - intervento sonoro
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

JULY 15 - 21
TMO: Music for 18 Topolovers
workshop on Steve Reich's masterpiece
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
alto sax, sinewaves, video projections
Dordolla, ex asilo

OCTOBER 12 13 18 19
sound, light and movement
live performance in collaboration with AREAREA experimental dance company
Galleria Tina Modotti

A Place to Play
concert series V - 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

A Place to Play
concert series V - 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

A Place to Play
concert series V - 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
In memory of the massacre of Piazza Fontana
Musicarnia festival
Museo Gortani, Tolmezzo

TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
Trieste Prima Festival
Museo Revoltella, Trieste


A Place to Play
concert series III - 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

Antonio Della Marina - a. sax, sinewaves
Alessandra Zucchi - video projections
Special guest: Werner Durand - t. sax, ney

A Place to Play
concert series III - 05
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day
Live streaming concert with participants from 45 countries around the globe
h 0-24 CET at

A Place to Play
concert series III - 06
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

MAY 12
A Place to Play
concert series III - 07
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

MAY 26
exhibited at the european project
Ecouter le Monde
Conservatorio di Musica B. Marcello di Venezia
Curated by Paolo Zavagna

MAY 26-27
TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
Einklang & Widerhall | Zvok & Sozvo?je | Suono & Risonanza
A project by Universitätskulturzentrum UNIKUM / Kulturni center Univerze
Curated by Paul Gulda

JUNE 1 - 3
underwater sound and light installation
in collaboration with Alessandra Zucchi
Il Suono in Mostra - rassegna di arte sonora

JUNE 8 - 9
sound art installation
with Alessandra Zucchi
in collaboration with associazione culturale Bottega Errante and Centro Caritas dell'Arcidiocesi di Udine ONLUS.
Libreria d'arte Martincigh, Udine
Il Suono in Mostra 2018

Live concert with Werner Durand
Werner Durand: t. sax, ney, electronics
Antonio Della Marina: a. sax
Casa di Egidio Marzona a Verzegnis (UD) MAP FVG / Music Art Park

JUNE 16 - 24
sound and light environment - extra edition
with Alessandra Zucchi for the festival
Il Suono in Mostra 2018
Galleria Spazioersetti

AUG 27 / OCT 2
Artist residence at The Datscha, a concert environment in the Black Forest, built especially as a meeting point for musicians and composers working in the field of just intonation. With Richard Spaeth (DE), Werner Durand (DE), Rafael Nassif (BR/DE), Wolfram Oettl (DE) and Andreas Rüsing (DE). Gültlingen, Germany

A Place to Play
concert series IV - 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

A Place to Play
concert series IV - 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

NOVEMBER 22 - 24
performed at Piksel festival
Bergen (NO)

A Place to Play
concert series IV - 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment


January 20
A Place to Play
concert series II - 04
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

February 10
A Place to Play
concert series II - 05
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

March 18
A Place to Play
concert series II - 06
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

March 24
24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day
Online 0-24 CET at

April 28
A Place to Play
concert series II - 07
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

May 19
A Place to Play
concert series II - 08
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

June 3 - 12
sound and light environment
Spazioersetti gallery
Il Suono in Mostra
International sound art festival

July 15
Impro for Topolò
live with Lucio Menegon (US)
Stazione Topolò / Postaja Topolove

July 26
site specific sound and light intervention
with Alessandra Zucchi
Tea Morello's garden (private commission)

September 5
site-specific sound and light intervention
with Alessandra Zucchi
Sound and Soundscape symposium
Palazzo dei Nobili, L'Aquila
Curated by Paola Rizzi

September 29
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
alto sax, portable sound devices,
sinewaves, video projections
Live performance in the cave of Villanova
Forma - Free Music Impulse #8 Festival

October 27
A Place to Play
concert series III - 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

November 17
A Place to Play
concert series III - 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

December 8
A Place to Play
concert series III - 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment


January 29
A Place to Play
concert series I - 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

February 15
A Place to Play
concert series I - 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

March 24
24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day
Online 0-24 CET at

June 3 - 12
The Dream
sound and light environment
at Il Suono in Mostra
International sound art festival

July 10
Live soundtrack for a collective super8 film
curated by Luca Chinaglia
Stazione di Topolò - Postaja Topolove

July 17
TMO in concert
Music by J. Cage, S. Reich, La Monte Young
Stazione di Topolò - Postaja Topolove

August 3rd
I Suoni delle Pietre
Live performance for stones, duduk, alto sax and electronics
With Vanni Floreani, Verzegnis (UD)

October 21
A Place to Play
concert series II - 01
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

November 18
A Place to Play
concert series II - 02
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment

December 4
Sound and light installation
for Darko Bevilacqua
Santuario della Beata Vergine di Castelmonte

December 4 - 9
Me is everybody
Sound and light installation
with Alessandra Zucchi
Mestna Galerija, Nova Gorica (SI)
Pixxelpoint festival
Curated by Rene Rusjan

December 16
A Place to Play
concert series II - 03
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment
Spazioersetti gallery at 7.30pm


January 21
Pavana za Antigono /
Pavane for Antigone
Sonorous art by Hanna Preuss
Live performance on saxophones
Teatro Miela
Trieste Film Festival

March 16-20
(v. Infinite Tendencies of Democracy)
The Contingencies Series
Atrium Art Gallery
Bournemouth University (UK)
Curated by Bill Thompson

March 24
24 hours relay of sounds
for the World TB day.
Online 0-24 CET at

May 3rd
Live Sound and light environment
with Alessandra Zucchi
Neue Musik St. Ruprecht concert series
St. Ruprecht church, Wien (AT)

July 18
TMO plays Luc Ferrari's
Exercises d'improvisation (1977)
Open workshop
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

September 19
TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
Gefälle / Prepadi / Dislivelli
A project by Universitätskulturzentrum UNIKUM / Kulturni center Univerze

September 28
Live audiovisual performance
with Alessandra Zucchi and Werner Durand

November 22
A Place to Play
concert series I - 00
Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi
LIVE sound and light environment


January 24
Fades live
per sassofono e sinusoidi
Concerto a porte chiuse per Lilli Ersetti.
Spazioersetti 1961.

March 24
ToBeContinued... 2014
24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day
Live streaming at

April 25 / May 3rd
Sound and spatial installation
In collaboration with Alessandra Zucchi
for the Far East Film Festival OFF
Every day from 5pm at Taperia Madrid, Udine

July 7
210 rivoluzioni intorno al sole
Quadriphonic sound installation for 210 sinewaves oscillators
Osservatorio Astronomico di Farra d'Isonzo

July 12
Il Ritmo dell'acqua
un progetto di Claudio Montanari
per rumore bianco, fiati e video
con Antonio Della Marina e Claudio Montanari
XXI Stazione di Topolò - Postaja Topolove

July 20
50 years of C
The Topolovska Minimalna Orkestra plays Terry Riley's In C
XXI Stazione di Topolò - Postaja Topolove

July 28th 29th + Sept 15
Sax performance for
Pavana za Antigono
sound theatre by Hanna Preuss
Vodnik Manor Centre for Sonorous Arts
Vodnikova Domacija, Ljubljana (SI)

September 24
Live sound and light environment
Lydgalleriet, Bergen (NO)

October 7
LIVE sound and light environment
spazioPan, Roma

October 16
Live concert
Raffunk + Antonio Della Marina
Cinema Visionario, Udine

December 27
Sound and Light Environment
SMO - Slovensko Multimedialno Okno
S. Pietro al Natisone (UD)


July 14
Tra Cielo e Terra
per sassofono e sinusoidi accordate sugli armonici della campana di mezzogiorno
Chiesetta di Topolò
XX Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

March 24
ToBe Continued...
24 hours relay of sounds
for the World TB day

May 2
Concerto per sassofono e sinusoidi
Tetris Club, Udine


September 25
TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
for the Vodnikova Domacija opening
Ljubljana (SI)

July 15
TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

July 7
A proposal for T
live performance with Al Margolis
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

April 17th - 29
Artist in residence at
Sound and Rural Architecture Festival
Artistic creation, experimental architecture, media and sound installations in architectural structures, field meetings with artists, architects and anthropologists
São Pedro do Sul, Viseu, Porto (PT)
Organized by Binauralmedia

24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day


January 10 / 15
Pensando a Dadamaino (2010)
Sound installation for Dadamaino's 12 lettere dell'Alfabeto della Mente (1979)
Studiodiviabalestranove, Locarno (CH) Curated by federicodedonatis and Lorenzo Cotti.

March 22
Hz Celebration on Radiozero
Collaborative radio program to commemorate Heinrich Hertz birthday, With Gonçalo Alegria, Sarah Boothroyd, Danie Martin-Borret, Rui Chaves, Daniel Gomes,Gintas K, Antonio Della Marina, Adrius Rugys, Carlos Santos, Pablo Sanz, Noisy Ghost.

March 4
Live concert with Bruno Romani
(sax, flauto, live electronics)
Circolo Arci Cas*aupa, Udine

March 24
24 hours relay of sounds for the World TB day.
Online 0-24 CET at

May 28
Spazioersetti galleryopening!
A dream that finally comes true. Along with my partner Alessandra Zucchi we succeeded in opening our private sound and light space. Associazione Culturale Continuo is delighted to announce the opening of Spazioersetti gallerywith a special guest: Michael J. Schumacher, artist and curator of the Diapason Gallery in New York City.
Viale Volontari della Libertà 43, Udine, Italy.

June 20
New Stage of the National Theatre.
Twenty minutes of pure additive synthesis to build a wall of colored noise!

June 23rd
Dreamspaces live
Skolska28 Gallery, Prague.

July 10
You Know Sextet plays TopolòGigio
Variazioni e sovrapposizioni su TopolòGigio di Al Margolis

July 11
La musica degli asteroidi
4 channel sound installation
Astronomic observatory of Farra d'Isonzo.

July 14
TMO su marte
La Topolovska Minimalna Orkestra esegue G. Holst: Mars, The Bringer of War, dalla suite I pianeti Op. 32. Cantiere per i musicisti presenti alla stazione di Topolò.

October 14
Live concert with Emanuel Donadelli (drum) and Martin Schönlieb (guitar).
New Adits Fstival, raj & Verein Innenhofkultur, Klagenfut (AT)


March 20
Live performances of sound and mixed actions with Zlatko Kaucic (SI), Felix Strasser (AT) and Yulia Izmaylova (RU)
A project by UNIKUM Universitätskulturzentrum /
Kulturni center Univerze

March 22
Screen Compositions n.6
screen works representing dynamic two-way collaborations between video/ film artists and sound/ music artists.
featuring collaborations by: Paola Boioli / Sonia Megias Lopez; Defasten / Tim Hecker; Hedya Klein / Bettina Wenzel; Justin Lincoln / Ben Owen; Kate Matson / Forrest Larson; Atsuko Nojiri / Zbigniew Karkowski;
Antonio Della Marina / Alessandra Zucchi
Experimental Intermedia, New York

March 24
24h non stop live concert
Live streaming concert featuring Al Margolis, Maxim Shentelev, Alvin Curran, Jessica Lurie, Urkuma, Massimo Falascone, Phill Niblock, Hanna Preuss, Thomas Lehn, Tiziana Bertoncini, Toshimaru Nakamura, Paulo Raposo, Per Platou, Antonio Della Marina, Werner Durand and many others.

March 31
Live Audiovisual Installation
Kobo Shop, Udine

April 24
Live Audiovisual Installation
3G galleria d'Arte Contemporanea Curated by Didier Zompicchiatti

May 20
Runi Trees
Onde sinusoidali generate secondo strutture ad albero accordate in Just Intonation
audio installazione a 8 canali
Conservatorio G. Tartini, Trieste

May 29
TMO plays Terry Riley's in C
M.te Korada (SI) A project by UNIKUM Universitätskulturzentrum /
Kulturni center Univerze

July 14
Live duo with Werner Durand
sinewaves, saxophones and self-built instruments Stazione di Topolò /Postaja Topolove

July 18
Commissioned composition for the Topolovska Minimalna Orkestra
World premiere
Stazione di Topolò /Postaja Topolove

July 18 / 25
Fades was selected for Sonic Vigil V
seven hours of sound art
St Finn Barrs Cathedral, Cork (IE)

September 3rd
Fades live
Concerto elettroacustico
in collaborazione con il Conservatorio di Musica G. Tartini
Stazione Rogers, Trieste

September 5
Live performance for tugboats foghorns, words lost in the wind, marine voice and live electronics.
By and with Antonio Della Marina, Franco Giannelli and Marco Maria Tosolini.
Molo Audace, golfo di Trieste

October 10
Night concert in just intonation
Live audiovisual performance for sinusoids, alto saxophone and self built instruments
With Werner Durand and Alessandra Zucchi
HertzRoom (Spazioersetti)

December 4
Commissioned by Stazione di Topolò
for the Topolovska Minimalna Orkestra
Kulturni Dom, Nova Gorica (SI)

December 22
With Alessandra Zucchi HertzRoom (Spazioersetti)


February 23rd
Videocomposizioni per "Nero Bianco Elettrico"
di Marco Maria Tosolini
Teatro Comunale di Bologna

March 7
Pitagora a New York
Lecture and concert
Conservatorio di Musica F. A. Bonporti
Riva del Garda, Trento

March 22
live concert with Nicola Negrini
Concerti Aperitivo 2009
Sala Ajace di Palazzo D'Aronco, Udine

April 11
Fades V
Fades V for Sommeil - A Concert for Sleep
Antenna Gallery, New Orleans (US)
Curated by Tanner Menard

April 23/25
Nicola Negrini, Achille Succi, Philippe Garcia
Digitube Recording Studio, Mantova

May 9
TMO plays Terry Riley's In C
Teatro Miela, Trieste

June 10?
La costruzione del suono
Quadri di elettroacustica - Lezione concerto
Centro di Educazione Musicale
San Giorgio di Nogaro, Udine

July 5
live for Radio Antenna 2 National Radio
Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon (PT)

July 15
Il sogno di Agostina
LIve audiovisual performance
with Alessandra Zucchi and Alessandro Fogar
XVI Stazione di Topolò /Postaja Topolove

July 22-26-28
Videocomposizioni per "Musiche dall'inferno"
di Marco Maria Tosolini
Mittelfest, Cividale del Friuli

August 28
live concert for sinewaves and percussions
with Marco Maria Tosolini
Cinema Visionario, Udine

November 1 / 15
Artist in residence at Phill Niblock's Experimental Intermedia, New York

November 8
Giambotta remixed
Featured live set for Share
with Alessandra Zucchi and Michael Delia
Issue Project Room, Brooklyn, NY

November 13
Live audiovisual performance
with Alessandra Zucchi and Michael Delia
Kentler Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


March 26
live concert for Sinewaves and percussions
with Marco Maria Tosolini
Conservatorio di musica G. Tartini, Trieste

May 14 / 18
Live audiovisual concert
with Alessandra Zucchi
Electro Media Works 08 - Athens (GR)

May 23rd
Live audiovisual concert
with Alessandra Zucchi
Salon Bruit, Berlin (DE)

May 29
Live concert and interviews
with Maksims Šentelevs and Kaspar Kalnins
Studios of Radio Naba, Riga (LV)

June 12
live electroacustic solo
Tetrahedron, Logos Foundation, Gent (BE)

June 21
Live audiovisual performance
Galleria di Arte Moderna di Udine

July 5/20
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

August 24
commissioned work
for the City Band A. Galantara
Piombino Experimenta #4 festival
Piombino, Livorno


Live electroacoustic solo
December 20, Espai Navae, Barcelona (ES)
organized by LullCec and Fundaciò Phonos

Max/msp workshop
Synthesys and audio processing
Niu Espai Artistic Contemporani, Barcelona (ES)

NoFun Club, Udine

Live audiovisual performance
Die Schachtel, Milano
Curated by Katherine Liberovskaya and Sarah Weaver

Omissis festival
Galleria d'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Spazzapan
Gradisca d'Isonzo, Gorizia

Live electroacoustic solo
Piombino eXperimenta #3
Castello di Piombino, Livorno

Untitled Mozart
sound installation
Piombino eXperimenta #3
Palazzo Appiani, Piombino, Livorno

live audiovisual performance
Niu Espai Artisti Contemporani, Barcelona (ES)

Live concert
with Alessandro Fogar
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

Fades live
Centro Europeo Arte Contemporanea Villa Manin
Passariano, Udine

live duo with Marco Maria Tosolini
Frantumazioni Festival
Colloredo di Soffumbergo, Udine

Share Camp
UltraHang Festival
Merlin Culb, Budapest (HU)

Jam session
with Diego Mune, Ddkern and Noid
Celeste Club, Wien (AT)


Fades live
All Frontiers Festival
Gradisca d'Isonzo, Gorizia

Live concert
with Paulo Raposo and Andre Gonçalves
CZ95, Isola della Giudecca, Venezia

Pushing The Medium #3
International sound and mixed media art Symposium
Concerts + lectures + collaborative works
Udine / Trieste / Topolò

PTM#3 concert night
Contemporanea Festival
Teatro S. Giorgio, Udine

PTM#3 concert night
Teatro Miela, Trieste

Pushing The Medium #2
International sound and mixed media art Symposium
Concerts + lectures + collaborative works
Nodar / Viseu / S. Pedro do Sul (PT)

PTM#2 concert night
with John Grzinich and Maksim Shentelev
Teatro Municipal da Guarda (PT)

PTM#2 concert night
with John Grzinich and Maksim Shentelev
Instituto Português da Juventude de Viseu (PT)

Fades live
Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove

Fades live
Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia

Fades live
Concerti Aperitivo 2006
Sala Ajace di Palazzo D'Aronco, Udine


Il Suono Fluido
Orchestrazioni #13 Festival
Portogruaro, Venezia

Correnti Sonore#2
Concerts + lectures + collaborative works with Claudio Rocchetti, John Grzinich, Seth Nehil, Radu Malfatti, Mattin, Domenico Sciajno, Otolab, Alessandro Fogar, Klaus Filip, Paulo Raposo
Hybridaspace, Tarcento, Udine

Il Suono Fluido
VCAS Festival
Monastery of Bechyne (CZ)

Il Suono Fluido
Dobialab, Staranzano, Gorizia

The Giambotta Project
Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove

Fades live
Skolska28 Gallery, Prague(CZ)

Numbers in music
two day workshop with Michael Delia
No-Lab Space, Prague (CZ)

Fades live
Celica Galerija, Lubijana

La tastiera dormiente
permanent sound sculpture
On the path Topolò/Livec (IT/SI)


Pabitele Art Centre, Udine

Pushing The Medium TM#1
International sound and mixed media art Symposium
Concerts + lectures + collaborative works
Tartu and Mooste (Estonia)

Web Session - a stage on the web
Project presentation
Tartu Art College, Tartu (EE)

Fades live
Angelica Festival
Raum, Bologna

Fades live
Dobialab, Staranzano, Gorizia

Linear Bells II
sound installation + live performance
stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

Linear Bells I
sound installation + live performance
Sonorazioni Art Festival XM24, Bologna

IXEM at Rome, Roma


Set no.IV
sound installation + live performance
Casa Ibarz, Cadaquès (ES)

Web Session - a Stage on the web
three day workshop in collaboration with Francesco Michi
Museo Pecci, Prato

Set no. III
sound installation + live performance
Stazione di Topolò / Postaja Topolove

sound installation
Pabitele Art Centre, Udine

Set no. II
sound installation
XM24, Bologna

sound installation
Contemporanea Festival, Teatro S. Giorgio, Udine

The Gunnera Session
live concert with Andrea Lozzi and GP LoPuma
Casa Ersetti, Marsure di sotto, Udine

The Time Room (Fades I)
permanent sound installation
Palazzo Poggi
Università degli studi di Bologna